We hope that you find everything you need on our website, but if you have any questions or would like to arrange a visit, please feel free to contact the school. We’d love to hear from you!
On behalf of everyone here at Knavesmire Primary School, I am pleased to welcome you to our website.
I hope that you enjoy exploring our site and finding out what goes on at our school.
We believe that it is essential that children enjoy their learning and are enthusiastic, so that they can become confident and successful in what they do. All children should be happy in school, which comes through respect for each other – adults and children. Learning, understanding and achievement come from purposefulness and creativity in an enriching curriculum.
Learning should be fun as well as challenging at times. Have a look at our pupils’ achievements academically and socially, creatively and in sport, to discover more.
Thank you for visiting.
Adam Cooper | Headteacher
Along with our school aims, these are the values that shape our curriculum and what we try to achieve daily. The words that describe Knavesmire Character are not an exhaustive list, and were generated by our pupils and staff – the key stakeholders in our community.
Our Knavesmire Character shapes our spiritual, moral, social cultural growth.
Our Big Idea approach is centred around key subject-disciplinary questions that enable us to continuously assess whether children grasp the component knowledge (the small manageable chunks) to enable them to learn about a subject exceptionally well.
The aim is that children know more and remember more (and are able to apply what they know and remember) as a result of our well-sequenced curriculum.
Activities range from going on a residential to creating a work of art, and doing something to benefit the wider community to learning a new language.
It’s a fabulous list of 50 things!
Children have full access to the ‘Knavesmire 99’ books, a list of 99 core texts to read by the time they leave in Year 6, which have been hand selected by our teaching staff. Furthermore, each child at KPS has their own Reading Passport, so they can see their reading progress.