In 2021 the Government released the new Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. Prior to this, Knavesmire Primary School took part in an Early Adopter Year for the framework. This was a turbulent yet fabulous year where the team pulled together, learnt a lot and really looked at why we do what we do on a day to day basis.
During our time as an Early Adopter school we assisted the Department for Education in creating some videos to help schools tackle the implementation of the new EYFS and also to inform about changes with assessment.
We are very proud of how amazing Early Years looks in the videos so please check out Chapter 2 and 3 of the videos: Implementing the early years foundation stage reforms – Case study – GOV.UK (
Early years is a complex yet amazing and fun journey that all children should engage with, enjoy and be given the opportunity to progress. Below you will see how our Early Years setting fits in to our school curriculum and The Big Idea.
Communication and Language Knowledge Sequencing
Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) Knowledge Sequencing
#KPSYear5 are absolutely smashing all their rehearsals this morning - we are so excited for everyone to see our performance this evening!! #Creative #Arty #HighExpectations
It's KPS quiz time! Staff were confident...until the first round was politics! #Resilient #Hardworking #Noidea
#KPSYear5 have had a brilliant time at the Brownlee Triathlon! Non stop smiling the whole afternoon, brilliant enthusiasm supporting and cheering on everyone here and meeting Jonathon Brownlee!
Our ETA back at school is 4pm!