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Friends of Knavesmire

Friends of Knavesmire

Welcome to the Friends of Knavesmire Primary School! Everyone with a child here is a Friend and part of our school community so here’s a bit of information about us and what we do.

There are four members of the committee, Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. We have regular meetings that everyone is welcome to come along to and getting involved is a great way to meet people across different year groups. We’re always keen for new people to come along and help with organising our fundraising activities and share new ideas as our voluntary role here is really important. The Friends raise several thousand pounds for school every year though various activities that the children (and grown-ups!) enjoy. All the money raised goes towards resources and activities to enrich the children’s education.

Previous events we have arranged include:

  • Quiz Night
  • The Pumpkin Festival
  • The Christmas Shopping Evening
  • Santa’s Secret Shop
  • Christmas Discos for all the children
  • Raffle of Christmas Hampers
  • Sold branded Christmas puddings
  • Made and sold our calendar featuring a drawing from every child
  • Produced and sold a recipe book of cakes and sweet treats
  • Winter Social evening at the Winning Post
  • The Easter Fair and raffle with prizes donated though letters written by children
  • Sports Evening

The money raised from these events contribute to:

  • A coach for every year’s school trip plus Years 4-6 to go to Young Voices in Sheffield
  • Zone Park playground equipment
  • Xylophones for the Music department
  • Crackers for School Christmas Dinner
  • Library resources
  • A contribution towards school performances

Obviously everyone has different commitments and things to do at different times so getting involved doesn’t have to be a massive obligation – if you can just help out at one event in the year or if you can only spare a couple of hours here and there it’s all good! If you can’t help out in person, bringing along donations of cakes, items for the tombola, raffle prizes etc or spending money at our events are also brilliant ways to contribute.

Come and join in with Friends and have some fun, while feeling like you are making a difference!

  • Email
  • Request to join our Facebook page Friends of Knavesmire Primary School
  • Come along to a meeting
  • Find one of the committee in the playground for a chat
  • Check the Apple Tree noticeboard near the Year 5/6 door

We really look forward to getting to know some new faces soon – and we’ll keep you updated via email and the school newsletter.



We always need donations of brand new unopened toiletries, games, toys etc that we can use for fund raising at Knavesmire.  

If you have any items that  you think we can use, please do get in touch with us. Contact the Friends of Knavesmire at

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