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The ‘Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills’ (Ofsted) is responsible for inspecting and regulating services that care for children and young people, and services providing education and skills for learners of all ages.

An outstanding school

Following Ofsted’s latest inspection in October 2022, Knavesmire Primary School was rated Outstanding in all areas.

You can see the latest inspection report from October 2022 here.

Previous inspection reports can be found here.

How well are we doing?

To see how we compare to other schools, you can visit the DfE’s Compare school and college performance in England website.

Ofsted Parent View

Ofsted Parent View gives parents the chance to tell Ofsted what they think of their child’s school, including: 

  • how happy your child is at the school.
  • how the school manages bullying or challenging behaviour.

If your child has special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), Ofsted will ask how well the school supports them. 

The questionnaire can be completed at any time – you don’t have to wait until the school is being inspected. 

Ofsted use parents’ responses to help them plan inspections. The information you provide can:  

  • inform discussions inspectors have with school leaders during an inspection.
  • help Ofsted decide when to inspect a school.
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