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Playground friends

Playground friends

At Knavesmire Primary School, we have a wonderful group of pupils who are our Playground Friends.

Who are they?
Playground Friends are a group of students from Year 3, 4 and 6 who support and help other children on the playground. They applied to be a playground friend by writing a letter explaining why they wanted to be one and how they would help other children. They then had a full morning’s training session with Miss Coulson in September where they learnt how they could help other pupils on the playground and what to do if they found another pupil who might need help.

What do they do?
Playground Friends help children find a friend, solve disagreements and help games run more smoothly. They help to create a happy, safe, fun and supportive atmosphere throughout the break times at Knavesmire.

How do we know who the Playground Friends are?
Playground Friends will always wear a bright neon yellow, orange or green jumper with our Knavesmire Primary School emblem on. In the Summer, we will buy some bright caps for them to wear instead.

Can I be a Playground Friend?
Children in Year 3, 4 and 6 can apply to be a Playground Friend each term (Year 5 pupils run a separate playground activity called Zoneparc which is why they are not part of the Playground Friends). When applications go live, children are encouraged to apply and Miss Coulson oversees and trains the pupils.

Please take a look at some of our photographs to see our wonderful Playground Friends in action!

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