Our school prides itself on both its breadth of provision and its ambitious academic expectations. School performance and results can be judged in different ways, but there are standard pieces of information that help you to make comparisons across schools. For academic standards there are useful links below.
These links give snapshots of Knavesmire Primary School’s performance. You will find links to DfE performance tables and summary pages. There are also the school’s most recent results. For a full picture of how Knavesmire Primary School performs, please visit the school.
Knavesmire Primary School’s most recent results
DFE performance tables and summary pages
Knavesmire Primary School’s Data Dashboard
DfE Primary School Comparison Service
Information leaflet for parents explaining results at the end of KS1
Information leaflet for parents explaining results at the end of KS2
#KPSYear5 are absolutely smashing all their rehearsals this morning - we are so excited for everyone to see our performance this evening!! #Creative #Arty #HighExpectations
It's KPS quiz time! Staff were confident...until the first round was politics! #Resilient #Hardworking #Noidea
#KPSYear5 have had a brilliant time at the Brownlee Triathlon! Non stop smiling the whole afternoon, brilliant enthusiasm supporting and cheering on everyone here and meeting Jonathon Brownlee!
Our ETA back at school is 4pm!