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All pupils at Knavesmire Primary School access a broad, balanced and enriching Science curriculum.  Our Intent is to teach scientific concepts through our Big Ideas, making cross curricular links where possible.  Sometimes we do this through whole class teaching, while at other times we engage children in an enquiry based research activity.  We encourage children to ask as well as answer scientific questions.  They have the opportunity to use a variety of data, such as statistics, graphs, pictures and photographs, and use computing where appropriate.


Our approach develops children’s knowledge, skills and understanding and to be positive in their approach to Science. We recognise that there are widely differing scientific abilities in all classes and we ensure that suitable learning opportunities are provided for all children.  


We have adapted the National Curriculum Science Programme of Study for the teaching of Science. Please take a look at our Science Knowledge Sequencing at Knavesmire.

Our Science Policy

You can read our KPS Science Policy here.

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