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At Knavesmire Primary School we believe that the internet is a powerful way to enhance and broaden a child’s education. Teaching and learning in every subject in the curriculum can make vital use of web-based material.

However, we also know that the Internet allows access to a great deal of entertainment, information and communication which is not related to school-based learning that children may want to explore and investigate.

This exploration is not necessarily harmful, but if unsupervised and unmonitored can result in children encountering inappropriate material or unknown people that can upset or confuse them, or put them in a vulnerable position.

As a school we recommend that Key Stage 1 and 2 children should always have a responsible adult with them when online.

Children all need to understand the internet and how they can use it positively, safely and to their benefit.

As your child’s parent or carer you are in the ideal position to help them learn how to avoid potential problems and get the most out of the internet.

With this in mind, we have collected a range of resources to help you develop your child’s understanding, skill and confidence.  We recommend that you have a good look around each site on your own first in order to focus on issues which may be of particular relevance.

Please visit the Excel Learning Trust’s Our Policies page to have a look at our latest Online Safety Policy.

Mobile phones and e-safety

In the Autumn term, we always invite our local PCSO into school to discuss the importance of e-safety with pupils in upper key stage two. We find that as the children start to get mobile phones, they need that extra reminder about how to be safe online, particularly when using apps that have age restrictions on. 

If your child has a mobile phone that they regularly use in school, they need to complete a Permission to bring a mobile phone into school form, which is then authorised by Mr Cooper or Mr Gardiner. A copy of the form can be found within the Use of Mobile Phones and Cameras Policy or ask your child’s teacher.     

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